Forecast model that will forecast the count of eggs


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Forecast model that will forecast the count of eggs

One of the partners involved in the development of the AiHEN project is an IT company dots. which is currently working on the development of a platform that will allow egg producers not only to automate business processes such as feed and water supply but also to process different types of data for continuous monitoring, for example, whether the feed flow is consistent with the specified, or the temperature is normal, etc.

Our machine-learning team is developing a forecasting model that will make it possible to determine the output of production in a long term, even year ahead. The model can be proud of the coincidence of the total number of birds with the actual at the 99% level, while the total egg count forecast with an actual match is 78%.

With the assistance of model, poultry companies will be able to gain information, which are the variables, that affect the quality of life, productivity and life expectancy of hens. It will be possible to identify those medicine products, that are most effective in treating diseases and understand how to prevent mass epidemics.

Every day our team develop this platform for a wide range of egg producers to reduce production costs and plan operations even more and more effective.